Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pets: Poop is poop no matter where it lands

Sorry if the quality of the image is not the best. It reads: "J'aime mon quartier. Je ramasse." Which loosely translated to English would be: "I love my neighborhood. I pick up after my dog."
Maybe we need to create such street signs in the United States because I am getting tired of people not picking up after their pets and maybe the visual will help.

Instead of enjoying every walk, it is more like a obstacle race where you have to constantly be watching out where your pet or yourself are stepping on. Not long ago as I was walking my pet, I saw a woman crossing the street with her dog. The dog went to the bathroom and the owner continued walking. So I walked up to her and offer her a bag in case she didn't have one. She said since the dog went to the bathroom in the middle of the road, she figured she didn't have to pick up. I was glad to inform her that poop is poop no matter where it lands.

I like this Doggie-Bags East: "The grass is always greener... (When there is a doggie-bag dispenser nearby!)." But it shouldn't have to be this way. If you are a pet owner, you are responsible for having your own bags available at all times and picking up after your dog.

Maybe somebody needs to create a website for poop offenders with photograpic proof? ;-)

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